
Gears_labThe Applied Moral Psychology Lab examines the psychological underpinnings of human morality and investigates how methods and findings from moral psychology can be applied to address social issues.

Our research aims to (a) build a mechanistic description of morality in terms of language, cognition, and behavior and, (b) understand whether and how moral commitments—and the language, cognition, and behaviors that transmit them—can lead to well-being & discord.

To increase the chances that this endeavor is useful and accurate, we use multiple methodologies to test models of moral cognition, and consider multiple ways people are exposed to morally relevant events (e.g., as victims of crime, harm-doers, helpers).

This approach to shedding light on the devices in language, thought, and behavior that enable conflict or peace will, hopefully, enrich the science of morality and contribute to the project of identifying new pathways to human flourishing.

For publications see CV.